Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Uphill Climb

Hi, Everyone!

I wanted to thank you all for your love, kindness, service, and prayers.  I felt truly uplifted from the my last blog post. I thought I would give you all an update so that you are not all left hanging. 

I am happy to announce that I am doing better!!!  Of course, I still have anxious feelings and thoughts, but I'm managing them more instead of them managing me.  It's a start, and I am grateful! 

There are so many things that have helped me, so I thought I would share some with you.

1) Accepting that I needed help, and then even ASKING for it.  Things were not going well, and I knew it.  Reaching out to all of you was therapeutic in and of itself.  My next step, was to ask for help.  There is no shame in this!  I don't know why it can be so hard for us, but I straight up said, "This is bigger than me.  I need help."

2)  Working through emotional barriers and emotional healing.  I had to recognize that some of the anxiety I was carrying was not even my own.  I was carrying the anxiety and fears of many people around me.  I can serve; I can love; the rest I have to leave up to the Savior and to the person whose problem it really is. 

3)  Finding something that would help chemically.  It was more than just my emotions and thinking patterns that were off. Chemically things were not functioning correctly in my body.  I'm sure hormones after having a baby played a big part in this.  Because I am nursing, I didn't feel comfortable taking things that I would have in the past.  I felt like my hands were tied.  Of course I had been praying all along, but I had to get really specific with those prayers. It went from a vague cry of "Help me," to "Heavenly Father, what can I take that will help with my anxiety and will be helpful to my baby?"  He answered my prayer, and I was very specifically led to a probiotic/mood helping mixture.  Thank the Heavens, it has been helping me a TON. 

4)  Trusting in the whisperings of the Spirit.  I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  In our semi-annual General Conference (held in October), President Nelson invited all of the women/girls (ages 8 and up) to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.  There could not have been better timing for this!  I have seen miracles in me through the reading of this book.  The Spirit has been with  me more strongly.  Over and over the Spirit has been whispering to me, "It is going to be ok."  This sweet whispering is accompanied by a feeling of peace that only having the Savior in my life can bring me.  I know that voice, and I trust that voice.  Sometimes I don't know how it is all going to be ok, but I know that through Jesus Christ,  it IS going to be ok!

I love this quote!  I found this graphic online and am in no way taking credit for it, but thanks to whoever put it out there to be shared!  :)  

I hope that you will find help if you are needing it today.  I wish you all the best of holidays.  May the joy of Christ fill your hearts and homes this Christmas season! 

Much Love -