Thursday, May 16, 2019


"You are enough."  

I have been seeing this everywhere it seems.  I know that this is well-intentioned.  But, what if I just accept that I am not enough?  On my own, I am not enough.  Phew, takes some of the pressure off.  Now I can just focus on being better through the Atonement of Jesus Christ through daily, joyful repentance.  Now I can focus on being me and all that entails and all that God meant me to be.  I can focus on my path.  I can focus on my relationship with Heavenly Father.
No comparison.
No scale.

No trying to figure out if:

   Hugging my kids
+ Taking someone dinner
 - yelling at my kids
 - hurting someone's feelings
 - the stack of dishes
 + the prayers I said this morning
- the scriptures I didn't read today
+ the conference talk I studied  

Of course the equation doesn't balance out.  That is not how this works. I fall short!  Of course I am not doing all that I should.  And, if this is about my worth, well that is a different story, because as far as worth goes, I'm worth more than enough.

This is how I think this goes.  Our worth should not be in question because we are children of   our Heavenly Father.  We were born with divine potential and a specific purpose.  We came to live on the planet Earth.  And life. is. messy.  And we make mistakes.  Satan tries to get us to feel like we are not enough.  He wants us to compare and judge and ridicule and abuse others and ourselves.

Thank goodness it is not about me and all my merits or deeds.  Thank goodness it is about Jesus Christ and daily checking in with Him and using His atonement to help me to be all that I am meant to be >>>>>>>>>so, so much more than enough.   

Go and be YOU. Be the best darn you you can possibly be.  Daily repent.  Use the Atonment.  Fulfill your purpose.  And don't worry about if you are "enough."  Through the Atonement of Christ, you can be better than ENOUGH.  

Much Love ~