Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lessons from Motherhood

The lessons I've learned as a mother will never grow old, even when my babies do.  Motherhood has not been exactly what I expected.  With motherhood I have experienced the deepest worry, the hardest trials, the greatest inadequacies, and the darkest sorrows.  Before I had kids, I was pretty sure that I had it all together.  Now I know that I don't.  But, with motherhood I've also experienced the sweetest amazement, the grandest love, unforgettable moments, God's hand, and a greater plan.  I've been reflecting on what I've learned through motherhood since Mother's Day is tomorrow.  Here are some of my top lessons:

1.God loves me more than I ever imagined.  If I love my children with every fiber of my being and to infinity and beyond, then how much more does He love me?  I am His child, and He loves with a perfect love.

2. Appreciate what I have right now.  This is a lesson I have to remind myself of often.  Sometimes I forget to just appreciate where I'm at right now and who I'm with.  I forget to stop trying to fix my kids all the time and just appreciate them for the wonderful girls that they are!   As moms we must stop comparing.  It steals our joy and undermine's the gifts we've been given.  I am so blessed.  I need to remember that!

3. Let go and hold on!  People will tell us a million plus things that we "should" be doing as mothers:  how we should walk, talk, think, dress, feed our kids, keep our houses, socialize, shop, eat, watch tv (or not watch tv), sunscreen our kids, take care of teeth, etc.  The list is seriously endless and can be overwhelming.  I've learned that I am happiest when I let all that go.  There are so many ways to do things right and so many ways to do them wrong.  I have to often narrow it all down until it's just me and God, and I ask Him what I should do and what I should listen to, and then I try to hold on to that.  Hold on for dear life!  He will not lead me astray.  He knows me; He knows my kids; He knows my limits and my gifts; and He will guide me along the path of Motherhood that I was meant for.  My own individual path.  

4.  It's not all about me.  I mean nothing teaches you that like pregnancy, am I right?  LOL Your body isn't even yours anymore!  What you eat and drink no longer affect just you.  Your stress levels can affect the health of your baby.  Your life is not your own any more.  And, it is a BEAUTIFUL thing.  It is a miracle.  But, it can also be a hard thing.  Every decision that you make from that moment forward include thoughts of your children and their welfare.

5. Some things should be about me.  I really want to be a good example to my kids.  Do I fail often and in many ways?  Yes.  But, I hope that my girls will learn to take care of themselves, that they will always know that they matter.  I hope that they keep what makes them uniquely them.  The world needs them!  I want them to be happy.  I want them to contribute to the world, and that means that I need to take care of me.  I need to keep what makes me uniquely me!  I feel like I lost myself in early motherhood.   I didn't even know who I was, and I didn't even know how to exist outside my children.  What kind of example is that to my girls?  Taking care of me helps me take care of them!  It's not selfish; it's essential.  My girls deserve a generally happy mom.  They deserve the best version of myself more often than the crushed and depleted version of me.  So, I should take care of myself; I should focus on me sometimes!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!  May we learn and grow in our own experiences!

Much Love ~
The Baum Mom

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