Friday, May 5, 2017

The Routine: Anxiety Part 3

I feel an urgency to write these posts about anxiety.  I feel like there is someone that needs them now!  If that someone is you, please know that God is aware of you.  He loves you!  He wants you to find peace and love and JOY in your life.  You are more than your anxiety or depression or any disability.  You are a child of God.  You are unique, and you are a gift to the world.  Do not let Satan use something like anxiety to make you feel less of a person or feel like you have less of a purpose than anyone else around you!  You matter!  You are loved!  And THAT is the truth!  Not those lies that Satan would have you believe about yourself!

Today, I would like to talk about the importance of having a healthy routine and also the caution of having too rigid of a routine.

The routines you have in place should serve you, not the other way around.  Be careful not to become a slave to your routine.  The routine should be flexible and allow for trial and error.

I still don't have this time down perfectly.  I have been working for YEARS on trying to get good, balanced routines set up in my life.  At first I tried to have a strict routine.  That kind of took over and caused me great anxiety and feelings of guilt any time that I got off routine or something happened to mess my routine up.  The routines and schedules became more important than the people in my life and what was best for them.  Don't worry, this didn't last long.  I didn't have the energy to keep up with that level of perfectionism anyway!

Then, I said, "To heck with it!  I can't be this uptight person that can't even allow a little joy in because my schedule or routine is not perfect!"  So, I did the "all-or-none" thing and threw my hands up in the air and didn't really have a routine.  Well, guess what?  The chaos and mess and never knowing what was happening made me feel anxiety and feelings of guilt, too!

So, the answer lies somewhere in between.  It lies in flexible routines that serve you and increase your peace and happiness.  Your routine should be something that fits you and your lifestyle.  It should be set with prayer.  If it doesn't work out, tweak it!  DON'T FORGET THAT WE ALWAYS HAVE CHOICES!!!

I recently read a great article that really reinforced the power of positive routines.  It helped me to renew my efforts.  Kim Duncan is the Vice President of "3 Key Elements."  She and her husband, Kirk Duncan, have become very successful.  She shared her morning and evening routines that have helped to transform her life.  You can find the article here .

Here are some things that have worked for me!

*Set a sleep schedule.  I try to go to bed by 10 pm and get up at 6 am.  There are days that this doesn't happen.  In fact it didn't happen today!  I was up with a puking child last night, so I decided to sleep until 7.  See, it's ok to go off routine when needed!

I started the sleep schedule thing as part of a health challenge, and I really found that having the right amount and quality of sleep is HUGE for me and my anxiety levels.  There has been TONS of research done on the importance of sleep.  But, I'll just leave it at: SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!

*Take time each day to pray and read the scriptures.

*Include enjoyable physical activity.  I personally love yoga for helping with anxiety.  It helps me to stay more present and aware of myself.

*Practice breathing techniques. 

*Don't go overboard with items on a to-do list.  Narrow your to-do list down to the top priorities.  Just looking at a huge list can be overwhelming.  A few things on a list that you know you can accomplish will help to keep you on track!

*Include things in your routine that you ENJOY!  I'm a very social person, so I schedule times throughout my week to be with people.  I also try to read something everyday just because I love to learn and read.
I love going to the lake and laying on a blanket under the trees!  

*Start by adding one or two healthy habits a day.  It can be so overwhelming (especially for someone with anxiety) to try to do a whole overhaul of life at one time.  Pray to be able to prioritize and start small with what you feel the Spirit telling you to do.

*Stay PRESENT.  Enjoy what you already have.

Sometimes we miss out on the beautiful, amazing things that we have already been blessed with because we are anxious about everything else.  Take time to enjoy what you have NOW!  
I know the Lord will bless all of us as we strive to improve our lives one step at a time!

May the Lord continually bless you!

Much Love-

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