Sunday, December 18, 2016

Feast Upon the Words of Christ: Making personal scripture study more meaningful

Happy Sabbath, Everyone!

Do you ever feel like you know that you should read the scriptures, but it seems hard to get into them?  Today, I'd like to share how I have made scripture study more meaningful for me, and how I have tried to "feast upon the words of Christ."  This does not mean that I am in any way an expert or that my ways are better or different than other people's ways of studying scripture.  I still have a LONG way to go before becoming a proclaimed (even self-proclaimed) scriptorian!

I do have a true love of the scriptures.  They have helped me in more ways than I can put into words.  They are a true gift from a loving Heavenly Father who wants us to return to Him.  When I study the scriptures, the Spirit is with me more strongly, and I feel  the Lord's guiding hand more profoundly in my life.

I have found that periodically changing my method of scripture study helps me to stay more engaged and interested.  One of the most important things about scripture study is not how to study them, but to be CONSISTENT in your study of them.  Sometimes I spend a few minutes studying; sometimes I spend a longer amount of time; sometimes I miss a day or two, but I try to make it a part of my daily routine, and it has been so helpful for me!

President Boyd K. Packer shared the following story:
"Years ago, Elder S. Dilworth Young of the Seventy taught me a lesson about reading the scriptures.  A stake was struggling with tensions and difficulties among the members, and counsel needed to be given.
I asked President Young, 'What should I say?'
He answered simply, 'Tell them to read the scriptures.'
I asked, 'What scriptures?'
He said, ' It really doesn't matter.  Tell them to open up the Book of Mormon, for instance, and begin to read.  Soon the feeling of peace and inspiration will come, and a solution will present itself.'
Make scripture reading a part of your regular routine, and the blessings will follow.  There is in the scriptures a voice of warning, but there is also great nourishment." (Find the whole talk here )

Here are some ways that I have studied the scriptures:

1. Chronological Order

   This one is fairly self-explanatory, but just reading The Book of Mormon from cover to cover has great value. It gives you the context of the scripture stories and helps you to understand the timeline.  I have yet to read The Bible in chronological order.  Nice job to anyone who has!  I may try it sometime!😉

2. Specific Topic

Pick a topic that you would like to learn more about and look up scriptures specific to that topic.  The Topical Guide  is so amazing for this.  The Bible Dictionary  can also be helpful.  Use the footnotes to create a scripture chain or to lead you to understand certain verses better.  

3.Using the General Conference Ensign 

I love reading General Conference.  With little kids at home, it is sometimes very difficult to watch/listen to conference even though Heaven knows we try!  I love that the conference issue of the Ensign comes straight to my home for my own convenience! 

At the end of each talk there are "Notes" that give references to scriptures and resources used.  They may also include the speakers notes about a specific topic.  The talk may have the scriptures listed within the talk.   These are usually found in parentheses.  For my scripture study, I'll often read a conference talk and then read the scriptures that are listed at the end.  This gives me greater understanding of these scriptures and helps me to understand them in a new way.

 4. Study with a Church Manual  

Studying with a manual really gives a clear direction for your scripture study.  The manuals that I have used are pictured below.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has so many resources (many which are available on-line).  I have found these helpful in my personal study, outside of any classes.  

5. "Ponderize"

"I invite you to “ponderize” one verse of scripture each week. The word ponderize is not found in the dictionary, but it has found a place in my heart. So what does it mean to ponderize? I like to say it’s a combination of 80 percent extended pondering and 20 percent memorization.
There are two simple steps:
First, choose a verse of scripture each week and place it where you will see it every day.
Second, read or think of the verse several times each day and ponder the meaning of its words and key phrases throughout the week."  Elder Devin G. Durrant (Find talk HERE)  
When I was doing this for a while, I would look the chosen scripture up and look at all the footnotes and cross-references.  This really helped me learn more about the verse(s) chosen for the week!

6. Study the Sunday Lessons 

For the last three years, I have been in Primary (which I loved).  I was recently called to be a Relief Society teacher (yay!).  I love studying the lessons!  They truly invite the Spirit and deepen my understanding.   I haven't consistently studied the Sunday School and Relief Society lessons, but would like to do so in the future.  I think it prepares us to learn and to participate on Sunday!

The possibilities for scripture study are endless.  These are just a few!  Always remember to include prayer in your personal scripture study. The Lord will guide you on how and what to read.  May the Lord bless our consistent efforts to make His word a regular part of our lives!

Much Love ~

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