Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Top 4 YouTube Workouts!

Hello, Everyone!
I created this blog just as a place to put all my randomness. I can't promise what I'll post about, or how often. It will always be a surprise๐Ÿ˜€ Don't you love surprises? Anyway, I started this as a post for Facebook, and it was getting so long. I know not a ton of people like LONG posts, so I figured a blog was a better venue. Here we are! I will post more about why the blog is named "Fail Not to Continue" another time. Also, I'll try to customize stuff and add some cute stuff later. For now, I'm posting about WORKING OUT! BOOYA!
This year I have refocused on a health and fitness journey. I'm not an expert, just sharing what's worked for me! Today, I would like to share with you, my top 4 favorite FREE YouTube workouts! I LOVE YouTube for working out. Feeling tired? Type in "recovery workout." Only have 20 minutes to work out? Search "20 minute workout." Feel like doing a dance workout? Look for "Dance Cardio." Anyway, you get the idea. Some of us think that we have to have a lot of time or a lot of money or a lot of equipment to even start our fitness journey. We want to have a perfect plan all lined up and decorated with pretty bows. NO! That is too overwhelming. The BEST thing to do is just START!!! Just do it! Start moving! Only have 10 minutes? Use it! Need some tube time? Work out while watching TV. Heck, I've even worked out while the hubby's driving the car, and I'm sittin' in the front seat. I don't do it perfectly; I'm not in perfect shape; I don't have perfect form, but I'm trying; I'm doing. That's what matters. Take the perfectionism OUT of the equation. Anyway, that's why Youtube has been so great for me. I can work out in front of my computer or TV in my own home. Now, on to my favorites ๐Ÿ˜Š
1) Yoga is so great for body mind integration! I also find that it is great for connecting both sides of the brain. Plus, the strength and balance that you gain from a yoga practice will actually help in your other types of exercise. It will help to prevent injuries. It's also very grounding. There are just a ton of benefits to yoga. If you are new to the practice, I recommend "Yoga With Adriene." My good, similarly-minded friend introduced me to Yoga With Adriene. I started with Adriene's "30 Days of Yoga." I also like her "Weight Loss" series. She really helps you connect to your body and "Find what feels good!"
2) Love me some kickboxing! Makes me feel strong and fierce (even though you know I'd be the first one attempting to run away from any type of danger!) I love training to kickbox, but don't actually want to kickbox because I don't exactly enjoy getting I like a lot of the HASfit workouts. I feel like the coach is really down to earth and motivational without being too feel me?
3 POPSUGAR fitness is my #3. There are a variety of workouts!
4) Last, but not least! Fitness Blender! I often pair their cool downs with some of my other workouts. Sometimes, I choose one of their full workouts as well. I feel like they explain the movements very well and help you to keep good form.
By the way, I'm looking for a good zumba/dance cardio FULL workout on YouTube. I've found individual songs that I like, but would like a continuous workout! Post in comments below if you have found one ๐Ÿ˜Š One last tip...If I'm working out on my computer, I love to save my fav YouTube videos to my Pinterest account. If I play the videos off Pinterest, I can often do them commercial-free. Yay! Plus, it keeps all my favorites in one spot for easy access. Fail not to continue, My Friends!
Much Love,

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