Thursday, December 15, 2016

Why "Fail Not to Continue?"

As promised, I will now let you in on the reason that this blog is called "Fail Not to Continue."  This concept has truly been life changing for me!  So much of life is about continuing, about falling down and getting back up, about going forward in a positive direction and not letting setbacks become true downfalls.

I've always wanted to write a book.  I haven't because I don't yet have the follow through to complete a whole book.  That is one reason that I decided to do a blog.  I may not have the time/talent/energy at this point to complete a book, but I can complete a post!  You've got to start where you are.  Anyway, I was talking to a dear friend about what I would call a book if I wrote it.  I felt strongly that that book would be "Fail Not to Continue."  We never truly fail unless we fail to continue in righteousness.

I came across this phrase in the scriptures.  Doctrine & Covenants 84:80 says, "And any man that shall go and preach this gospel of the kingdom, and fail not to continue faithful in all things, shall not be weary in mind, neither darkened, neither in body, limb, nor joint; and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed. And they shall not go hungry, neither athirst." (emphasis added)

Well, Nephi told us that the scriptures are for our profit and our learning.  He also taught us to liken the scriptures unto ourselves (see 1 Nephi 19:23).  I believe that Heavenly Father does have a sense of humor and that He cares about the things that we care about, because He loves us that much.  These concepts came through loudly and clearly when reading D&C 84:80.

As many of you know, I suffer from daily headaches and have had a constant headache for almost every waking hour for the last 20 years.  Sometimes it's just a dull pain (that I can ignore quite easily); sometimes it's a full out migraine.  I've been on the search for a solution to this annoying problem.  I had just gotten a book for healing headaches, and it included a specific diet.  I've eliminated many foods from my diet before, but this was a seriously intense elimination including eliminating some nuts, fruits, and veggies that others would consider "healthy."  I was feeling very overwhelmed and discouraged.  Food is strongly linked to emotion with me, and changing my diet has been very difficult for me.  I thought, "That's it!  There's just nothing for me to eat.  I'll just have to STARVE!" if!  Well, right then, in my despair (I know I'm dramatic; I was born that way), I opened the scriptures to this verse.  This is where Heavenly Father's humor comes in!  "And they shall not go hungry."  Ha Ha!!  He knew what I was thinking, and He spoke to me from the scriptures!  "CONTINUE!  You've got this!  Go in a good direction, and I WILL HELP YOU!!  It will work out!"

WOW!  This concept applies to so many different situations in our lives.  Had a bad family home evening?  It's ok!  Continue faithfully!  Go forward, keep trying.  Stopped reading the scriptures?  It's ok!  Pick it up again!  Start reading now and continue, and when you get off (and we usually do), get back on and continue.    
My reminder on my bedroom wall
So friends, "Fail not to continue!"  He is aware of you.  He loves you.  You will be blessed for your consistent efforts in righteousness.
Much Loveđź’—

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