Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Lack or Love: What's the motivation behind your goals?


I hope you all had a fantabulous Christmas!

It's that time of year again.  The time of year when we reflect on the good, bad, and ugly of the last year, and we start thinking about the upcoming new year and the things we would like to have happen.  It's the time of year when many of us start thinking about the resolutions we would like to make.  

Before you set those lofty goals, I would encourage you to examine the motivation behind those goals.  If you are setting goals to PUNISH yourself, then you will really have a hard time making yourself better.  You cannot build yourself up by tearing yourself down.  Negative begets negative.

Dan Millman, "The Peaceful Warrior," said it best in his book, No Ordinary Moments, "Let's examine our motives as well as our goals. If we want to change because of an underlying lack of self-worth, that lack will undermine our efforts; even if we get where we're going, the lack will remain. Beginning from a place of unconditional love for ourselves, with the recognition that we are good and strong and brave deep inside - a peaceful warrior now - encourages us to become even better, not out of lack, but out of our longing for a full and meaningful life, for the challenge of personal evolution and a chance to turn dreams into reality."

I have pondered this quote MANY times! If we begin out of a focus on what we lack, "even if we get where we're going, the lack will remain." The best motivation, the one that feels good, that feeds the inner fire, the one that keeps us going when it's tough to take even one more step forward is LOVE! Do you love yourself enough to be the best possible YOU that you can be? It has to start with that self-love.

In the same book, Dan Millman said, "Let's take a moment to accept and appreciate ourselves as we are right now- to love, understand and honor our body, our mind, and our emotions - our strengths, our weaknesses, our habits, and our failings. Self-acceptance and compassion provide the support and open the way to change."

True positive change comes when we accept "what is" and start where we are. Then, invite in the positive. Focus on the positive WHY of each of your goals. Pray about what God would have you to do and who He would have you to become. Come back to those motivations time and time again, and fail not to continue on your path!

Much Love <3



  1. Totally working on this. Why is it so hard to come from love vs lack? I know it's because I don't have that self love I need to have. Peace, love, and joy... Easier said than done! But I refuse to stop trying to get there. :)

    1. I know! I'm trying to come from a place of love with the order in my house! I'm not quite there yet!! I'll keep working, too!
