Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Peppermint Chocolate...OOO La La

'Tis the season for peppermint chocolate smells and eats!!!  If you know me (and if you're reading this, you probably do), you probably know that I love to make natural stuff...lip gloss, deodorant, bath salts, etc.  Well, I recently found a new BODY BUTTER recipe that I love!  Find the recipe on Pinterest HERE!
The Harder Body Butter
I've made body butter before (thanks to my good friend who introduced me to body butter making 😂).  The colder it has gotten the harder the body butter has gotten.  I basically have to scrape it with my finger nail, let it melt in my hand, and then rub it in.  Don't get me wrong, it's still great!  I especially like this stuff on freshly shaven legs.

Softer Body Butter 😁
Recently, I found a great recipe that stays soft!  Plus, it is FABULOUS for dry and cracked heels!  BONUS!!  I slathered this stuff on my feet (very nice feeling as well with the peppermint essential oil), put socks on, and PRESTO I could tell a huge difference by the next day.  Happy Dance!!

Ignore the extremely LONG palm and short fingers (weird camera angle?  Yes!).  Notice the soft, buttery texture and imagine how great this feels on your feet!!!!
I don't usually follow recipes exactly (if you've been to one of my salve making classes, you know that is true!).  I used peppermint essential oil instead of the other essential oils listed. (The chocolate smell comes from the pure cocoa butter.)  I also used a few different carrier oils along with the sweet almond oil.
I gave some of this body butter to the kids' school teachers along with a tag that said, "Wishing you a 'smooth' Holiday Season!"  It makes a great gift!
Shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil.  ROCK STAR ingredients!

Mission Accomplished

There you have the sweet on to the sweet eats!  I'm the queen of posting yummy looking stuff onto Facebook to "save for later."  Well, you know, later usually means never.  This time, I ACTUALLY MADE SOMETHING I POSTED!  Plus, it turned out great!
I made peppermint patties dipped in dark chocolate, and the kids have been eating these like crazy.  Yes, the "kids" have been eating them...wink, wink.
Click here for the recipe if you want to try it!  Make sure that your dough is really stiff.  If not, it kind of runs and flattens as it sits.  Also, better not roll them out too thin.  They kind of fold in the chocolate if they are too thin.  
Oh, and true to Heather fashion, I didn't follow the recipe exactly...I added a few drops of peppermint essential oil (and maybe not as much extract). I used dark chocolate chips.  I also put them in the freezer instead of the fridge (I'm impatient like that).  For some reason, these babies tasted even better the second day.
Happy Body Butter and Peppermint Patty making!!!  
Much Love❤

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