Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Do What You Enjoy, and Enjoy What You Do!

When was the last time that you did something JUST for the ENJOYMENT of doing it?  Not because you had to or you "should."    Not because it was on your mile-long list of to-do's.  Not because it was your responsibility or your duty.  Not because you would get X,Y, & Z benefits. Not because someone else wanted you to do it or someone would be disappointed if you didn't.  When did you do something that YOU enjoy, just because you enjoy it???

I think we miss out on so much of the beauty of life when the "have-to's,"  "need-to's," and "shoulds" take over our lives and crowd out the joy of living.  I'm not saying to throw all responsibility up in the air and suddenly do what you want, when you want, just because you want to.  Let's keep the balance in life here.  😁

Too often, the very essence of who we are is lost in everyone around us.  At one point, I didn't even know what I enjoyed doing!  We sometimes lose the spark that ignites the joyful flame of living.  It's time to get that anticipation, fun, joy, and enjoyment back!  It's time to do something that you enjoy doing just because you enjoy it!

So, that is PART ONE of this blog post.  Do what you enjoy!  Pick at least one thing that you enjoy each day and DO it!  Even if there are a ton of less-pressing to-do's on your list.  It doesn't have to take a lot of time or commitment.  Just make a conscious choice to do something that you enjoy, and then DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT!  Actually enjoy it!  It could be a walk outside because you love the outdoors.  It could be making that new recipe that you've really wanted to try, but isn't super practical.  It might be buying yourself a new pair of pants (if you can afford it).  Maybe you will visit with a friend or read a good book.  Maybe you will sing at the top of your lungs.  Maybe you will dance down the aisles in the grocery store because one of your favorite song comes on.  You might join a local sports league.

I think that you will find that you have things to look forward to. You may even be more productive in doing other things because you took time for you.  It is refreshing!  Also, you might be more fun to be around! 😉

PART TWO of this blog post is to ENJOY what you do.  There are many tasks that need to be done in a day.  There are things that are within our stewardship that we are responsible for.  For example, your kids need to be fed.  There have been so many times that I wished that my children could just forage and survive on what they could find, but that isn't the way things are.  You actually have to feed your children.  And, not just once a day!  They need to eat three meals and usually snacks in between.  Then, with each of those meals there are more dishes (the NEVER-ENDING story).  Not to mention, you need to do laundry (also never-ending) at least every once in a while. You get the picture!  Now, what can you do to make these things more enjoyable for you?  How can you switch your perspective and add an element of fun?

I really thought about this concept several years ago.  I was being set apart for a new calling. The wise Bishop in my ward was giving the blessing.  He blessed me that I would enjoy the duties of being a mother.  How inspired he was.  I was missing out on enjoying those duties!  I was in survival, self-pity, "I'm just glad that I got dressed today" mode.  How could I enjoy the things that I needed to do anyway?  Either way it had to get done!  I could do it grudgingly and grumpily, or I could do it with a good attitude.  The choice really is mine!

That's when I really got thinking about "Do what you enjoy, and enjoy what you do."  I don't even know where I heard that phrase from first, but it is so true.  I find doing dishes very mundane.  I don't find it fulfilling.  I just don't feel like I was put on this Earth to clean (although it obviously has its place).  But, I am a social person, so what do I do when I'm doing the dishes?  I call a friend!  (Yes, I'm a talker!)  Then the dishes seem to fly by as I'm engaged in meaningful conversation.  Sometimes, I put music on and dance around while I do my chores.  We could make a fun game of it.  (I'm not suggesting that everything you do needs to be "fun" or "fluffy.")  Maybe you could listen to books on CD or on whatever device you might have.  What you choose to do will be based on your personality and what helps you enjoy your tasks.

To recap:  I challenge you (and me) to: (1) Do at least one thing you enjoy a day.  (2)  Find specific ways to help you enjoy what you need to do.

If you take on this challenge, let me know what you enjoy doing!  Also, let me know how you've made things on your to-do list more enjoyable (I'm always looking for good ideas). Share in the comments or on Facebook!
I found this picture HERE!  

Best of luck!

Much LOVE!


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