Monday, January 9, 2017

How Far Will You Go?

I rarely get to go to the movies, but I had a chance to go with my daughter on a date to the movie "Moana."  It might sound funny, but this movie spoke to my heart.  Every once in a while I'm granted just a little glimpse of who I truly am.  I catch a glimpse of my purpose and the grander vision!

I love this song!  What calls to you?  How far will you go to become the person that you can become? What limits (self-inflicted and limits set by others) will you smash into a million pieces?  Do you have the courage to go after your true, divine purpose and potential?

Honestly, sometimes I lack the courage to do and become what I feel in my heart that I truly can do and become.  I let fear seep in and suck out the joy.  I let worry crowd out the clarity.    But, I keep moving forward.  With each barrier eliminated, I celebrate.  I work with God to know what it is that He would have me to do.  I ask Him what my mission in life is. And, I work towards it.  Sometimes I stumble, but I try to "fail not to continue."

Let us have COURAGE!  Let us follow what we know we are meant to be, not what society tells us we are.  Let us see the greater picture and play well our part on the stage of life.  Let us listen to the still, small voice that calls to us and leads us to unknown destinations.  Let us have faith to go forth and grasp all the Lord has in store for us!  Follow the voice that calls to you, that speaks to the DIVINE within you, and who knows how far you'll go!!

Much Love <3


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