Sunday, January 8, 2017

Patterns Pulled from a Prophet

I have (arguably) the BEST. CALLING. EVER!!  I am a Relief Society Teacher.  I get to do in-depth studies of lessons and then share what I learn...not to mention I only have to teach ONCE a month.  What?!  Maybe I shouldn't let the cat out of the bag.  People will be lined up to get this calling.

Anyway, I taught lesson one in Teaching of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley. (Am I the only one that is excited to study President Hinckley's words this year?!?)  The lesson was on the Restoration of the church.  As I pondered this lesson, I thought about patterns.  We had previously talked about patterns in Relief Society.  What patterns can you see and apply in your own life?  By applying these patterns we really are allowing doctrine to change our lives.  

There are so many of God's patterns shown to us through the First Vision and the Restoration!  I want to share just a few .

God's Will, God's Timing, God's Way

This idea has been huge in my life!  I want to do things in my life according to God's will, according to His timing, and in His way.  Joseph Smith wasn't allowed to receive the Golden Plates until he was truly ready.  Heavenly Father truly had a grand timeline of events that led up to the Restoration.  The key components of this timeline happened according to God's will, God's timing, and in God's way.  

"Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little..."  (D&C 128:21)

The Restoration did not come about in one huge whammy.  It came little by little over the course of many, many years...that was AFTER all the preparatory events that had to happen BEFORE the Restoration could take place (ie reformation, printing press, pilgrims traveling to America, Revolutionary War, Constitution, etc.).  This obviously did not happen over night. 

Sometimes we just want the answer to our problems in one package with a tidy bow on top.  Heavenly Father allows us to receive what we are ready for, when we are ready!  He has a timeline for our lives. Often answers and knowledge, learning and growth happen "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little..."

Ask and Receive

Joseph Smith had a question.  He lacked wisdom.  He studied.  He asked God.  He received an answer.  That's a pretty clear pattern!  Most likely our answers won't be answered by Heavenly visitation (although I'm definitely not ruling it out).  But, they WILL be answered in (you got it) His time, His way, and according to His will.

God Fulfills His Promises

The events of the Restoration were foreseen by prophets of old.  Nephi saw many of the events  600 or so years before Christ was even born!  God fulfilled what He said He would fulfill.  Things happened even as He said they would.  This means that we can FULLY TRUST the Lord knowing that He will keep the promises and covenants that He has made to us.

Pattern of Preparation

God prepared the world for the Restoration.  He prepared Joseph Smith for the Restoration.  He prepares me to be able to fulfill my mission here on Earth.   The events that happen in our lives prepare us to become what the Lord wants us to become.  When we stay close to the Lord, we have what we need when we need it.  We can trust in His grand plan for all the people on Earth, and I can trust in His individual plan for me.   

What patterns can you glean from the First Vision and the Restoration?  How can you apply them in your daily lives?  What blessings have you received because a fourteen year old boy went into a grove of trees to pray and was visited by a loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ?  This event "changed the world. Let it change your life."

Much Love!

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