Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Non-New-Year's-Resolutions Resolution

Five years ago, I got sick of New Year's Resolutions.  So much pressure!  So much failure associated with them in my past!  So MANY things to work on!  Not enough energy!  Not enough time!  Not enough of me!  With small kids (and very little sleep), I was already overwhelmed and in SURVIVAL mode.  I hardly had time to shower or sit down and eat a meal, let alone add more to my plate.  All New Year's Resolutions were doing to me was leaving me feeling even more like I was not enough and that I never would be enough.  My view on goals and resolutions has since changed (mainly as I've gotten more sleep...amazing what that stuff does for you! 😉).  But, maybe that is for another blog post.  

Ever since that year, instead of having a ton of goals and things to do, my Non-New-Year's- Resolutions Resolution was to pick a word that I would like to expand in my life and then see where it takes me. It's a word that I would like to have become part of me.  A word that could help me become a better person without first having to feel like less of a person.  The word each year is picked through prayer and meditation, trying to follow the will of God.  And it has been LIFE. CHANGING.

It always amazes me how clearly the word comes to me.  I love how God leads us if we let Him.  Once Heavenly Father lets me know what my word for the year is, I study it, I focus on it, I try to incorporate it into my life.  Sometimes that calls for setting actual goals.  Last year, it was about setting goals...and I experienced SUCCESS and EMPOWERMENT!  "Oh, how great the plan of my God!"  

This does not mean that it is easy.  It does not mean that after the year I have perfectly incorporated these words into my life.  I have to revisit them over and over and over again.  But, it does mean that I receive increased awareness, opportunities to work through blockages, and  increased knowledge and power to change my life.

So, here are the words that I've been inspired to explore and implement thus far:
Year 1: PEACE
Year 3: JOY
Year 4: FAITH

Oh, how I could write posts and posts about each of these words (and maybe I will...lol).  I love these words.  I love the power that they hold and that they unleash in your life as you peel back layer by layer and incorporate them little by little.  

This year, my word came to me about a month ago.  I have been a little intimidated by this word and what it will mean in my life.  I have yet to explore what it means in different areas of my life.  

Here's the thing, when you pick something to focus on, things show up, almost magically (although we know it is by the power of God).  That first year when I chose to work on peace, everything in my life that I did not feel peaceful about seemed to show up to be worked on.  At first I thought, "Well, I already failed at that!  I DO NOT feel PEACEFUL!"  Then, I saw the opportunities.  And let me tell you, the answer to finding peace does not  include "fixing" everything that is causing unrest; it is finding peace amidst the storm; it's finding peace even when and especially when you can't change things.  It's finding peace in Christ.  

So, it will be super interesting to see what this year has in store for me.  My word for Year 6 is....drum roll, please...ORDER!  


It's seriously blowing my MIND what different spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional implications this word might have.  I'm excited to delve in!  I'm excited to see!!  I'm excited for positive change (from last year) to go forward and include ORDER!  

I do know that I am going to start here...in my kitchen.  I'm laying it all out on the kitchen table, folks (pun intended).  I'm willing to be vulnerable and a little scared and imperfect to be able to invite in the good.  So, I'm showing you just how real this is.  I'm showing you a BEFORE picture without a successful AFTER picture (yet).  I'm really committed now!!
My kitchen...today...as is...yikes

I must note that worth does not come from a clean kitchen...so there will be days even after my "After" picture that I have a messy kitchen...I guarantee it!  We actually live in our house (gasp!).  I'm talking about heading in a good direction because I want to, not because I have to to be somebody!    Wish me luck on my journey!  I'm sure my year of ORDER has more spiritual implications than just an orderly house.  Let me know what "order" means to you.  If you can't comment here, comment on my facebook page!  I'm ready to learn!  Also, let me know if you have a word that you would like to work on!!!  Good luck to us all 😊

Much Love! 🎉



  1. Love this post. I join you in the year of order and I worry about all the areas that lack order. Having all that comes up to be healed and find ways to have order. Because our God is a God of order. Thank you for being vulnerable. If I could share a picture you would see you aren't alone. :) much love!
